J i n g l e B e l l s ' 9 7 |
Finished: December 18th, 1998 Style: HappyCore / Euro Bpm: 160 Length: 2min 48s Channels used: 8 |
Comments: Made for a performance of the music class at the Christmas Party in Vörå Samgymnasium, December 20th, 1997. I had been working on this kind of remix since October when I finally finished it two days before the performance. |
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L i v e i n P e a c e |
Finished: November 16th, 1998 Style: DreamEurodance Bpm: 124 Length: 3min 51s Channels used: 8 |
Comments: Pretty much inspired by Sash!'s Equador. This one is a mixture of eurodance, dreamtechno, breakbeats, basslines from old Amiga-games and a saxophone-solo at the end. I worked on this song for quite a long time which means that the beginning and the end of this song sound quite different from each other. |
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A u t u m n F i r e |
Finished: October 23rd, 1997 Style: Eurotechno Bpm: 136 Length: 3min 23s Channels used: 8 |
Comments: This one is very much inspired by old - and good - eurotechno. When I made this it was almost the darkest period of the year and it seemed like everyone needed something to light up their lives. And then this piece of music was born with a "warm" synth-theme, panpipes and a fast bassline. |
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T e l l M e S o |
Finished: September 23rd, 1997 Style: Eurodance Bpm: 136 Length: 3min 23s Channels used: 8 |
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L a s t S u m m e r D a n c e |
Finished: August 20th, 1997 Style: Eurodance Bpm: 136 Length: 3min 57s Channels used: 8 |
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A M e s s a g e o f D r e a m s |
Finished: July 21st, 1997 Style: Happy Hardcore Bpm: 192 Length: 4min 42s Channels used: 8 |
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F i n d T h e W a y |
Finished: July 20th, 1997 Style: Eurodance Bpm: 136 Length: 3min 23s Channels used: 8 |
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B a c k 2 T h e B e a t |
Finished: July 8th, 1997 Style: Eurodance Bpm: 140 Length: 3min 31s Channels used: 8 |
Comments: I think is probably one of the best 'plain eurodance' song I've created. It was made in the middle of the summer, and it's dedicated to all good eurodance artists who never became famous. It is the first song by me to include the old techno-style bassline. |
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F o r e v e r W i t h U |
Finished: June 21st, 1997 Style: Eurotechno Bpm: 147 Length: 3min 50s Channels used: 8 |
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S w i n g Y o u r B o d y |
Finished: June 1st, 1997 Style: TripHop/House? Bpm: 100 Length: 3min 37s Channels used: 4 |
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L e t M e B e T h e O n e |
Finished: May 18th, 1997 Style: Eurodance Bpm: 124 Length: 3min 31s Channels used: 8 |
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R e t u r n 2 m a R s |
Finished: May 3rd, 1997 Style: Eurotrance Bpm: 160 Length: 3min 53s Channels used: 8 |
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W h e n T h e R a i n I s G o n e |
Finished: May 2nd, 1997 Style: Popcore Bpm: 180 Length: 3min 23s Channels used: 8 |
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P a r a d i s e R e g g a e |
Finished: May 1st, 1997 Style: Euro-Reggae Bpm: 100 Length: 3min 37s Channels used: 8 |
Comments: One of the songs I created around the 1st of May. It's built around a reggae-like bassline, a panflute theme and the sounds of the ocean. |
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R a v e T h e W o r l d |
Finished: May 1st, 1997 Style: Happy Hardcore Bpm: 176 Length: 4min 17s Channels used: 4 |
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F o r g o t t e n L o v e |
Finished: March 29th, 1997 Style: Eurodance Bpm: 122 Length: 3min 00s Channels used: 8 |
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K e e p O n M o v i n ' ( R a v e R e m i x ) |
Finished: March 17th, 1997 Style: Happy Hardcore Bpm: 176 Length: 5min 01s Channels used: 8 |
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T a k e Y o u H i g h |
Finished: March 15th, 1997 Style: Eurodance Bpm: 152 Length: 3min 54s Channels used: 8 |
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D o i n ' I t R i g h t |
Finished: March 11th, 1997 Style: Dreamtechno Bpm: 132 Length: 3min 56s Channels used: 8 |
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I W o n ' t L e t Y o u G o |
Finished: February 28th, 1997 Style: Eurodance Bpm: 128 Length: 4min 07s Channels used: 8 |
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F e e l i n g s |
Finished: February 6th, 1997 Style: Dreamtechno / Happy Hardcore Bpm: 176 Length: 4min 36s Channels used: 8 |
Comments: This one is a fast dreamtechno tune with some happy hardcore elements thrown in. It's one of my personal favourites although you can hear that it's almost three years old by now. This is one of the songs I'm thinking of making a new version of. |
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W h e r e v e r I G o |
Finished: January 18th, 1997 Style: Eurodance Bpm: 150 Length: 4min 19s Channels used: 8 |
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